At 5 years old I was selling my drawings
I had a precocious entrepreneurial streak, no doubt about it! The idea of making money with my doodles came to me after seeing a movie about children selling lemonade on the sidewalk, with some success. Even at that age, I had the idea of doing things differently.
On the gallery of the family house, I displayed my drawings with the firm conviction that they were seen by passers-by on the road, which seemed close enough to the said gallery at the time, whereas in fact this was not the case. Moreover, the speed limit was 90km/hour ... In my childish mind, my work could be noticed, especially since I personally considered it very beautiful.
I didn't understand why people didn't stop. The speed of driving and the distance from the road did not exist in my perception. My only customer was my uncle Denis, my dad's employee, who took the time to stop and look. He would give me money without wanting to keep a drawing in exchange. It frustrated me! I remember it like it was yesterday, I still feel it just thinking about it. I can well understand what my artists are going through today, when the expected success is not there.
This foray into the arts has probably had an unconscious impact on my career today. I started my life in the arts, and it is in this same field that I chose to establish my last career. Fortunately, I realized that I don't have the talent required to propel my own creations, but I still have a strong entrepreneurial sense. Add to that a very developed human side and it gives Action Déco as you know it today.
I love the role I play with my artists by offering their wonders, paintings or photographs, reproduced on white acrylic aluminum. I also enjoy the confidence they have in me by allowing me not only to represent them, but also by offering me great opportunities for various collaborations, whether to exhibit abroad, in museums or to become their official art broker.
At 5 years old I had no idea what I chose to be today, at 49 years old. I have taken many different roads in between, exploring the world of landscaping, pesticides, fitness, nutrition and ecology.
All of these passions have taught me how to take care of myself, allowing me to now take care of my artists and clients. I have also acquired environmental and animal knowledge that I match perfectly with my reproductions.
My life is beautiful, and you are part of it. Thank you.
Action Déco, your wall decoration, your emotion and greenery galore
1 tree in the world with our printer / 1 tree in the Eastern Townships with the Fondation SÉTHY