Anxiety the worst roommate that shared my life!
Being self-employed is a choice, which comes with its own set of emotions, perhaps this is also your reality, so you will agree.
I call myself a bohemian entrepreneur, who creates his businesses according to life, what matters to me in the moment, what I want to live. I started entrepreneurship when I was only 20 years old, without asking myself any questions, to follow my father's footsteps, but on my own. With Dad's help as a reference, my first landscaping business was a great success from day one.
Along the way, the business grew, my interests changed, I chose to separate and leave material and professional comfort behind. So I started a new life, from scratch, accompanied by my cat Copine. Starting from scratch is good, all the space is free for something new, but which one? That's how anxiety entered my life, a feeling I had never known before. What a bad roommate!
It's sneaky, it shows up at every turn. It was especially present in me on Monday mornings, as I searched for a new business project, with no safety net under me, and nothing apparent in front of me. I would feverishly check my email in hopes of seeing job requests, ideas, proposals for collaboration. After all, I was known, people would come looking for me!
Despite this bad feeling, I never gave in to the temptation to work for someone else. I kicked out that unwanted roommate, that sneaky anxiety.
Now, Mondays are euphoric. I know I have activity on my social media, weekend accumulation. I start my week by offering myself this candy, my virtual social, coming back to life with my community, my friends, knowing I'm well surrounded to spend my week.
This euphoria is with my artists and clients. This euphoria is my roommate whom I cherish and thank daily. If I hadn't cohabited with anxiety, I wouldn't be enjoying what I'm experiencing right now so much.
It's all the way to Action Deco, the one I'm living with euphoria because of. If I had to do the same life path again, even knowing that some parts are more painful, I would do it again without hesitation. What I am living now is too beautiful, Action Déco is too wonderful, I could not do without you.
Thank you life for this superb path of life and this fabulous Action Déco which is mine, which is ours, Brigitte's and mine.
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